Lots of fabric, little frame – Baier makes it possible
The project is located on the corner of Engeldamm and Adalbertstraße, adjacent to the former Tropical Institute with its listed façade and, to the right, a residential building from the 1980s. The new building takes both buildings into account with neatly worked out connections. Even the first floor of the tropical institute is indented by 30 cm. The historic gable design remains fully visible. On Adalbertstraße, the building line of the neighbouring building is taken up. The design and the entire building fit very well into the urban space. The new building is constructed as a concrete skeleton structure. The façades facing the street are largely transparent.
Transparent sun protection with sliding shutters made of textile fabric.
There are precast concrete cornices in front of the storey ceilings. Between these, the sliding elements made of textile fabric are arranged as sun and privacy protection. Their position can be changed by the respective occupant. This makes it possible to control the mood in the flat, while at the same time creating a constantly changing façade.