Multifunctional extension with barrier-free access
The poet’s legacy was to be conveyed even better through a multifunctional extension. Bernd Sieferman, current “Schultheiss” of Renchen, wished that the enlarged house would now become “an even more important place for meeting and experiencing art, culture and literature”. In order to make the museum and the events in the Simplicissimushaus accessible to people with walking disabilities, access without barriers and obstacles was planned for the extension.
Convenient and safe access with automatic door from Baier
This was put into practice with an automatic door from Baier GmbH, which is based in the Ulm district of Renchen. Automatic doors offer convenient access to buildings with public traffic. The advantages are obvious. Balanced in function and design, they adapt to almost any existing building situation and grant access without direct door contact. Baier automatic doors are tested and certified and thus reliably fulfil all comfort and safety requirements.